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Netherthorpe School


Pupil Premium

At Netherthorpe School we recognise the importance of ensuring all pupils, whatever their background or circumstance, are provided with a quality and relevant education.  This will ensure that the pupils are equipped with the knowledge and skills they will need to succeed in life beyond school.

The pupil premium is a government initiative designed to target resources for those pupils considered to be from a disadvantaged background. The Pupil Premium money is provided to schools and academies for pupils who fall into one or more of the categories listed below:

  • Pupils who have been entitled to Free School Meals (FSM) at any point over the past 6 years (Ever 6 FSM)
  • Children who have been looked after continuously for at least 6 months (CLA)
  • Children who have been looked after for 1 day or more; have been adopted from
  • care or have left care under a special guardianship order, a residence order or a
    child arrangement order.
  • Pupils who have a parent in the armed services or have had a parent/s in the armed
  • services for the last four years. (Ever 4 Service Child)

For the year 2019/2020 the Pupil Premium has a value of £935 per year per eligible pupil. Schools receive an additional £1900 for each Child who is looked after (The Virtual School Head receives £900 of the £1900) and additionally there is also a smaller allowance of £300 made for those children with parents in the armed services.

Neither the government nor any government agencies have dictated how the Pupil Premium money should be spent, but what is clear is that the money should be used to promote strategies, which narrow the attainment and progress gaps between those pupils in receipt of the pupil premium fund and those who are not.

The literacy and numeracy catch up premium provides schools with an additional £500 for each year 7 pupil who did not achieve at least level 4 in reading and/or Maths at the end of key stage 2 in order to provide effective and appropriate intervention to help close the literacy and numeracy gap for these children.

The latest reports on Pupil Premium and Year 7 Catch Up funding can be found
by using the following links:


Get in touch


Ralph Road, Staveley, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S43 3PU


01246 472220