Beginning on Friday the 28th of June, and continuing until the end of term, we will be having a lunchtime disco on Cavendish Court (weather permitting and except Friday the 5th of July). We will be taking requests for upbeat songs from each form. Please discuss this with your for...
Miss Swift kindly shared these amazing assessments completed by Year 7 over half term in Religious Studies. “They were set the challenge of building and consolidating their learning of Judaism and produced their own ‘Guidebooks to Judaism’. There have been some fanta...
This week our PE teachers have been learning some new skills. Coached by a specialist from the Derbyshire Institute of Sport, the teachers have been learning how to teach wheelchair badminton, tennis and other sports and will be incorporating wheelchair-based sport into their lessons. This is n...
Congratulations to Lyla Sears-Piccavey in Year 12 on completing her 14,000ft tandem skydive over half term to raise money for Asthma and Lung UK in memory of ex-student Jordan Smitheman who sadly passed away earlier this year. Thank you to everyone who supported Lyla and donated to this important ca...
A reminder that you that you can access our weekly parent/student notices via the link below. This contains lots of information about extra-curricular activities, canteen menus and community events.
Many thanks to everyone who came along and helped to make our recent family engagement event such a success. Congratulations to our overall winners: The Flower Girls!
Many thanks to Sian Jackson and Ms Stimpson for leading the event.
Look out for an email next week which will announce ou...
This year, Mental Health Awareness Week takes place between 13th - 19th May 2024.
To honour the occasion, the Mental Health Foundation (a UK-based charity) have launched their campaign titled 'Movement: Moving more for our mental health'.
Although remaining active is a crucial el...
Family engagement evening: team building and old-fashioned sports day. Thursday 23rd may
Our next Family Engagement Event which will take place from 5:30 to 7:30pm on Thursday 23rd May. The evening will take place in the school hall and will involve a number of team-building activities and some old-fashioned sports day races, with a number of high (and low!) quality prizes to be w...
Y10 Students learn to create 3 traditional tapas dishes at Coghlan's cookery school in matlock
The Y10 Spanish group took a day trip to Coghlan’s Cookery School in Matlock on Monday to learn to create three traditional tapas dishes. Split into teams, they were each responsible for one dish: leek and potato tortilla, patatas bravas, meatballs and tomato sauce. After carefully following t...