Y12 Geography students Field Trip to Wales

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In Mid-October, 24 Year 12 geography students visited Sheffield and Wales to gather data for their coursework. The first stop on the tour was Sheffield where students surveyed the public and looked at how Sheffield had changed over the years and what it was doing to encourage people to visit to Sheffield. They then made the journey to Conwy in North Wales to the hostel. The next day saw a healthy start with a full Welsh breakfast followed by a very blustery and wet trip to the Dunes at Harlec. This made the measurement of the Dunes especially difficult (although getting the anemometer to spin for the wind speed was a lot easier than usual). Students then profiled the dunes including, height, shape, vegetation, animals and management. This was followed up by a classroom session in the hostel where students compiled their results from the last 2 days (whilst the rain lashed the windows). The next day the trip to Llandudno was another very windy one, so much so that on the way back from Wales the skylight from the coach was blown off the bus. Luckily they only had to manage a few miles of travel with the top down.