Year 11 Students Celebrate Exam Success

From Derbyshire Times article:
Sixteen-year-old Yue-Min Li was thrilled with her results at Netherthorpe, which included a grade nine in art, and 8 in design tech and 7s in English literature and language. And Charlie Roberts, 16, was also thrilled with a nine in maths and level 2 distinction star in engineering. He said: “I’ll be staying here for sixth form. My advice for next year’s class is, don't stress it, just try as hard as you can.”
Head of year 11, Stuart Brown, paid tribute to staff and students for their hard work. He said: “I’m really pleased with what the students have achieved this year, and such a big thanks to parents and staff for all the support they've given all of our students.
“You know, they had such a tough start to secondary school with Covid, so to see them all here today, having overcome those big challenges and their personal challenges, is just really pleasing. We take pride here in championing individual achievements and growth, it’s not about the grade it’s about how they tried, and how they worked."
“And they know how they've worked, and it's amazing to see those students who have put the effort and they've got the rewards, they deserve all the credit.
“Just keep reaching for the best and go for those dreams, never give up, and they're all achievable no matter what results that you come out with.”
Michele Grippo, 16, achieved grades 8s in English literature, language and maths. He said: “I thought I’d mucked it up if I’m honest, but I’m really glad to have got the results I did.
“I managed to balance my workload, and friends, while still doing all my football; I think that’s really important for success. Revise, go out, spend time with the people that I like, want to and need to spend time with, and then also just get the results."