House Competition Results

What a year! Across 26 events, in each of the three age categories, over the school year, this year’s Rose Bowl came down to the wire. In the past week each house has had their hands on the prize, with each house eventually winning one trophy; Juniors – Frechville, Intermediates – DeRodes, Seniors – Sitwell. Thanks to the work of the House Prefects, House Captains, PE department, staff volunteers, Mr Scott (Head of House) and all the competitors, this really has been exciting to watch, great to follow and the competition has captured the passion, spirit of fair play and sense of pride in the school. The final scores mean that this year Frechville lift the Rose Bowl as Sitwell snatch Second Place, leaving DeRodes racing to catch up. One thing is for sure, next year’s title race will be anything but a walk in the park! You can follow events throughout the year : #anyonecanwin@netherthorpeschool
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