Exclusion Arrangements
Exclusion Arrangements
As an inclusive school we used exclusion as a last resort for serious incidents or persistent poor behaviour. Fixed term exclusions are usually between 1 and 3 days. The DfE regulations allow the Headteacher to exclude students for one or more fixed periods not exceeding 45 school days in one school year.
If the decision is taken to exclude a student parents will be contacted to make them aware and a letter will be sent home. If the exclusion is for more than 1 day work will also be sent home. A re-integration meeting or phone call with the student, parent and a member of staff will be held when the student returns to school. If the exclusion is for more than 5 days, in accordance with DfE guidance the school is obliged to provide full time education from the sixth day and this will take place at an offsite venue.
Please see the behaviour management policy for further details see policy below