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Netherthorpe School



The mental health and wellbeing of all students of Netherthorpe School is fundamental to Learn, Enjoy, Succeed.  We all have mental health and it is important students learn how to maintain good mental health and wellbeing. As well as providing support and direction, we also encourage students to care for themselves as well as know who in school they can turn to for help and advice.  Please find links to a range of resources/information/support to help you when you don’t feel quite right. 


Supporting students:

Maintaining every day, regular routines wherever possible, such as, attending school and lessons whilst working towards managing mental health is key. School offers a range of services to help students develop positive mental health and wellbeing and support those experiencing mental health issues. The pastoral team support positive mental health and wellbeing across school. 

Support is available from a number of areas within school:

·         Form Tutors and Heads of Section are well placed to be available to discuss any issues. Many things can cause a change in mental health including traumatic events (e.g. loss or separation, life changes, abuse, domestic violence or bullying).

·         Pastoral Support Managers are to be a ‘go to’ for students experiencing mental health issues.

·         PSHE curriculum supports the teaching of the skills, knowledge and understanding needed by our students to keep themselves and others physically and mentally healthy.

·         Mrs B Catlow/Mrs E Beeden are both Mental Health First Aiders and are always keen to support in any way possible.

Calm                      Supportive              Non-judgemental


Will be including:

MH and well-being statement

Tips for taking care of your mental health

Coping with exam stress

Signposts to support


Get in touch


Ralph Road, Staveley, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S43 3PU


01246 472220