Induction 2024
Documents for parents of students starting in September 2024 are found at the bottom of this page.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you are late to school then get here as quickly and safely as you can. Make your way to reception, explain why you are late and if it is a genuine reason then you will not get in to trouble. If you are always late and it can be avoided then you may get a detention, but this will not happen in the first few weeks when you are finding your feet. If you are late to a lesson for a genuine reason then you will not get in to trouble but if you are constantly late and don’t have a good reason then a 30 minute late detention may be issued. |
If you miss your bus then either go home and call school so that we are aware, or if you can wait for the next bus and you have a mobile phone then you can call school (make sure that you have the school number on your phone!) You should also call a parent and let them know. The important thing is to let an adult know so that we can help to get you in to school safely. |
You need to talk to us if somebody says something that is not nice or if they do something that is not nice. At Netherthorpe you can talk to your form tutor, Mrs Hutchinson (Y7 Pastoral Support Manager), Mrs Harpham (Head of Year 7), the peer counsellors or any member of staff. Do not suffer in silence! Do not say or do anything mean back to the person as you do not want to lower yourself down to their level and it will only make things worse. |
Your form tutor will do some work on getting to know the other students in your class when you start at Netherthorpe school. There are plenty of clubs and activities to join if you would like to make new friends. If you are feeling alone then talk to us! We have an inclusion room for students who need a friendly place to go to at break or lunch and we have peer counsellors who will be very happy to chat with you and make you feel welcome. |
It is always best to look at the homework on the day that it is set so that if you do not understand the task you have a chance to talk to the teacher well before the date that it is due in. If you cannot do your homework then do not bury your head in the sand! Talk to us. We will try to help you if you give us enough time. If you frequently do not complete homework then you may be asked to stay behind after school to work with the teacher to help you to finish the outstanding work. We also have a homework club at lunchtime so that students can use computers and printers if they need to. |
It may take you a little while to find your way around Netherthorpe school but don’t worry! You will soon get use to the school’s layout. We will spend some time showing you around the school when you first arrive and you will not get in to trouble if you get lost! If you cannot find your classroom then please ask a member of staff or another student to show you the way. If nobody is around then try to find reception and the staff in there will point you in the right direction. Do not panic! We have all been new at the school at some point and we have all got lost. |
If you forget your dinner card or you do not have enough money on your card then you will need to tell somebody in the canteen. Usually students who have forgotten their dinner cards are asked to come back towards the end of dinner time as the canteen supervisors will have to put your order through manually and this takes longer. We ask you to come back because we don’t want to hold up the queue. If you lose or break your dinner card then you need to buy a new one for £2 (you will not lose the money that is stored on your card). If you do not have money on your card the canteen supervisors will serve you but you will need to repay the money. If you do this too often then we may need to call home to see if there is a problem. If you get Free School Meals then money is automatically put on your card each day (at present it is £2.10 which is enough for a meal deal), but it does not role over to the next day so if you do not spend it then it disappears. |
If you forget your PE kit then you may be lent kit to wear. If this happens more than once then you may be given an after school detention. If there is a problem with kit then talk to us! You can also ask your parents to call the PE staff to sort out any issues. If you forget equipment such as a pen then tell the teacher, they will normally lend you one. If this happens too often then the teacher may give you an after school detention. The best advice is to get yourself and your bag ready for school every evening so that you have time to sort out equipment and books. Also have more that 1 pen/pencil in your pencil case as these can run out or get lost. Do not lend equipment to others as you may not get it back. |
It is important that you look like you are part of your new school and you should be proud to represent the school in your school uniform. You are not allowed to wear jewellery in lessons, apart from a watch and a pair of small studs in your ears. You are not allowed to wear any jewellery in PE lessons including ear rings! If you have an issue with your school uniform then speak to us! We have uniform that we can lend to students and so if, for example, your shoes break on the way to school we can lend you a pair for a short while until you can get them fixed or until you can get a new pair. You are not allowed to wear trainers, skin tight trousers or hoodies under your blazer. We do give out detentions for uniform infringements! |
If you feel poorly when you are in lesson then please tell your teacher. The teacher will decide whether to send you to see Fiona, our school medical officer. If you feel poorly during a break time then you can go to see Fiona yourself without being sent. However, Fiona is only there for real medical problems. If you have a small headache, take a drink of water and get some fresh air. If you feel sick, think about if you need something to eat or drink. Do not call home. If we feel that parents need contacting to come and collect you then we will phone them. If you call home it causes lots of issues and parents will worry about you. |
We do not recommend students bringing any technology to school because it can be lost, broken or stolen and school cannot insure your own personal equipment. If you choose to bring a mobile phone or any other technology to school, then it is your responsibility to look after it and it MUST NOT be taken out during the school day. If a member of staff sees this equipment then they are allowed to confiscate it and it will not be returned until the next day. Do not bring expensive things to school! |
You are allowed to bring water in to school with you to drink in certain lessons. You are not allowed to drink anything other than water in lessons. You must not bring any type of energy drink to school as these are banned. In some lessons you are not allowed to drink for health and safety reasons. These include Computing, Technology and Science lessons. There are water fountains around school so that you can fill up your water bottles but you will not be given cups or bottles so remember to bring in your own! |
We do not recommend students bringing any sweets in to school as it can cause a lot of problems. If you are bringing in a packed lunch try to make it healthy and eat it in or near the canteen at break time or lunch time. You are not allowed to eat food in your lessons. Chewing gum is banned in school and you will receive an after school detention if you are caught chewing gum or eating sweets in a lesson. |
Hopefully you have found this information useful but if there is anything else that you need to know before September please email: